After a LONG time i am back!
I was practicing Eng accent by makeing Eng video on my old YouTube Channel, and other videos besides Animation.
Now i am comeing back better then ever!
I am going to be active on NewGrounds and YouTube with 3 more people with me working in a team leading 3 YouTube Channels with many people on our side! ( ദ്ദി ˙ᗜ˙ )
What is comeing:
- There will be a lot of short StopMotion Animation.
- We 3 and other people with us are makeing a movie that is
reimagined version of Gnortex in the same Universe, but other story.
- On Channel will be Music here and there, Kronos is the one who will
be makeing profesional music in the movie
More Information:
There is 3 of us and we have 3 YouTube Channel with each of us leading pro one.
Eng Channel:
I am the one who is leading Eng Channel as well as this one.
Channel is called:
WonderWaves Studio - Alen
Balkan Channel:
My long time knowen friend who called himself JackDaniels on YouTube is the one leading
Channel Called:
Aukusticni kamioni - Beni
Music Channel:
The oldest and moust profesional in our team, called himself Kronos on YouTube is leading
Channel Called
Kronos - Erik
We all made new Channels in 2024 to start from begining and more profesional, there are more then 5 people working with us who dosn't want their name to be showen outside the credits.
Our age is 13-16 counting everyone with Erik Being the oldest and me being the secound.
I was also trying to change the name on NewGrounds fom AlenHe(Alen Hecimovic) to WonderWaves Studio, but i am struggleing with it a lot and think that i am gonna need to pay for it.
This was write 7.3.2025. and Videos from 2024 that were uploaded on WonderWaves Studio are going to be uploaded Here on NewGrounds on this Channel. I am really sorry that i didn't uploaded anything i had stuggles a little with newground and didn't made Videos that will be good for newground.